import sys import queue import pydle import logging import time from lib import worker num_worker_threads = 2 password = 'xxx' class ansibot(pydle.Client): def on_connect(self): self.join('#test99') def on_message(self, source, target, message): if message != "!spam": return global dispatched global q """ Here I thought I could have one client pickup and dispatch work onto a queue. Clients then pick items off the queue send it along as a message to the channel. What happens is the first client gobbles up the entire queue. I'm thinking that client on_message callbacks are dispatched in serial. Am i right? This kinda thing works in testing using threading in place of ClientPool(). Any pointers? """ if not dispatched: dispatched = True # generate some some data to push on the queue [q.put(str(x)) for x in range(10)] # go to work on data while not q.empty(): part = q.get() self.message(source, part) # give time for another client to grab items off the queue # (theoretically) time.sleep(0.1) q.task_done() q = queue.Queue() dispatched = False pool = pydle.ClientPool() for i in range(num_worker_threads): client = ansibot('zz' + str(i)) pool.connect(client, '', 7001, password=password, tls=True, tls_verify=False) # This will make sure all clients are treated in a fair way priority-wise. pool.handle_forever()