ansibots - a craptacular IRC spammer

How's it work? barely.

Why? Because shitposting

How do I shitpost?
1. Edit bot.py with your IRC network stuffs.
   note: you probably want to use specific servers
   and not round-robin server hostnames because
   latency and timing issues.
2. Edit main.py and specify number of bots (workers)
   and rate limiting parameters. You'll need to tweak
   these settings for each IRCd you connect to. Some
   rate limit (flood protection) more than others. Find
   your happy place.
3. run it:
   $ cat some_spam | python main.py

Check out ansi2unicode.pl for a nice script to convert ansi
artwork to unicode that can be piped straight to the script:
$ ansi2unicode.pl ~/art/something.ans | python main.py